[php] 10個php新手應該知道的技巧

原文: http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/vaska20050722.php3

Tip 1: MySQL 連結 Class

[php]class DB {
function DB() {
$this->host = "localhost"; // your host
$this->db = "myDatabase"; // your database
$this->user = "root"; // your username
$this->pass = "mysql"; // your password

$this->link = mysql_connect($this->host, $this->user,


// 在你需要開始使用資料庫的地方(記得先include起來)
$db = new $DB;[/php]


Tip 2: 安全性 (Dealing with Magic Quotes)


magic quotes .... 不大懂
SQL injection 注入:在使用者能輸入的地方動手腳,如文字方塊
regular expressions 利用正規表示式檢查變數

Tip 3: 使用mysql_real_escape_string安全的查詢資料庫 (Safely Query Database with mysql_real_escape_string)

[php]function escapeString($post) {
if (phpversion() >= ‘4.3.0’) {
return array_map(‘mysql_real_escape_string’,$post);
} else {
return array_map(‘mysql_escape_string’,$post);

Tip 4: 除錯 (Debugging)

error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
print_r($result); exit;[/php]

Tip 5: 編寫函數和類別 - Writing Functions (and Classes)

Tip 6: 單引號和雙引號 - Single and double quotes

$abc = 1; echo ‘$abc’; //印出$abc echo “$abc”; //印出1 只是單純字串用單引號效率會比較好。

Tip 7: 撰寫風格 - Problems of style 讓寫出來的程式碼更易讀、易除錯。

Tip 8: 三元運算符 - Ternary Operator

讓程式碼精簡、更快(?) echo ( true ? ‘true’ : false ? ‘t’ : ‘f’ );

Tip 9: 安全查詢 - Safe Queries

[php]// returns an array of records
function fetchArray($query=’’)
if ($result = safeQuery($query)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $rows[] = $arr;
return $rows;
return false;

// returns a single record
function fetchRecord($query=’’)
if ($row = safeQuery($query)) {
if (mysql_num_rows($row) > 0) {
return mysql_fetch_assoc($row);
return false;
Now, with one simple line of code we can perform our query to return our predicted results.
$results = fetchArray("SELECT id,field1 FROM records");

// sample output results
if (!$results) {
echo ‘No results.’;
} else {
// loop the data
foreach ($results as $result) {
echo $result[‘id’] . ‘ ‘ . $result[‘field1’];

Tip 10: 成功的策略 - A Strategy for Success


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